AYURVEDA: Learning the art of balance...

Ayurveda is an ancient system of holistic health which was first recorded in India thousands of years ago. The term Ayurveda means the "science of life", and it is all about learning to live in harmony with yourself and your environment. A balanced body, mind and spirit are key to achieving true happiness. 

Ayurvedic Diet and Lifestyle Advice 

Initial Consultation - 120 mins
Follow Up Consultation - 60 mins
During your consultation we will have a detailed discussion about your physical and emotional health (both current and historic), which will include questions about your diet, lifestyle, habits and tendencies, personality traits, sleep, digestion and energy levels. This will include observation of your tongue and pulse, which according to Ayurveda can provide additional insight into your general state of health. We will then look at ways in which you might be able to improve your well-being, and following your consultation I will send you practical suggestions on any diet and lifestyle changes, yoga (and meditation) practices, herbal supplements and massage treatments that might benefit you.

 Speciality Ayurvedic Treatments 

Forehead oil flow treatment - 60 mins
This signature Ayurvedic treatment is known as the “King of all treatments” and involves warm oil, milk or decoctions being poured steadily and rhythmically over the central chakra point on the forehead (often referred to as the “third eye”). Studies show that this blissfully relaxing treatment can help to deeply ground and calm the mind, rebalance the nervous, immune and endocrine systems and alleviate a number of conditions including stress, anxiety, insomnia, high blood pressure and digestive, skin and hormonal disorders.

Eye treatment - 45 or 60 mins
This cooling and soothing treatment involves a gentle massage and steam treatment of face followed by the holding of pure ghee in the area within a special dough well. The treatment can bring tremendous relief to stressed, tired, burning and watery eyes and is traditionally used to improve eyesight. It can also be beneficial in the reducing the visibility of dark circles and wrinkles and improving the glow and lustre of the eyes.

Nasal treatment - 45 or 60 mins
This cleansing treatment involves a gentle massage of the area around the nose followed by a local steam treatment and the application of warm herbal oils through the nose. This can be highly effective in clearing nasal congestion, relieving headaches, migraines, hayfever, sinus conditions, recurrent colds and promoting sound sleep. It can also help to bring clarity and alertness to the mind and senses

Ear treatment - 45 or 60 mins
This beautifully soothing treatment involves a massage of the face followed by the gentle pouring of warm herbal oil into the ear canals. It can help to cleanse and open the auditory channels and can be beneficial in conditions such as earache, excess ear wax, impaired hearing, tinnitus, vertigo and dizziness. 

Dough well treatments - 45 or 60 mins
These deeply nourishing, soothing and revitalising treatments involve a gentle localised massage and steam treatment of a specific area, followed by the holding of herb-infused oil in the area within a special dough well. The treatments help to improve local blood circulation to the area and relax and nourish local muscles and nerves. 

See MASSAGE page for information about the Classical Ayurvedic Massage Treatments I offer 
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